Tax Breaks for Real Estate Investors
William Bronchick : Taxes are your biggest expense in your lifetime, so choose your source of income wisely! Real estate has some of the BEST TAX BREAKS of any investment in America! The more you earn through your job, the more you get taxed, and the system is setup that way to punish hard workers and reward investors. Have you looked at the bottom stub of your paycheck lately and seen how much the government steals from you? Wage income not only requires work, it gets taxed at a very high rate, plus the government takes FICA, which is put into a system that may be bankrupt when you retire. Real estate has so many tax advantages over wage income: Capital Gains Rates The maximum federal tax rate on capital gains is 15%, whereas wage income is taxed at 35%. There’s state taxes, too, and some states offer further discounts on capital gains income. Remember, capital gains requires that you hold a property for 12 months or more before selling, as in th...